Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Final Planning Before Filming

Adam Dean - Main Protagonist, Runner

Christopher Dean - Director, Camera 1 (Creative Vado HD) and Editor
Adam Dean - Editor
Haran Timana - Camera 2 (Casio High Speed Exilim EX-FH20)

For our AS media coursework our group made a video called 'Parity.' Given the success of this we decided to keep our roles for this years coursework the same as we had experience in our given roles. Despite a few members going their separate ways we didn't have much trouble in organising for filming. Adam, who played the murder victim in last years film, stayed in his acting role due to his success in this field last year. In last years piece I was in charge of camera 2. With Haran, who did camera 1 last year, leaving to make a music video I decided to take up the role of camera 1 as well as director. Haran offered to help out on the day of filming and as someone who had expressed a keen interest in the slow motion camera, having used it in his own A2 coursework, we decided that he would be best suited to film with this particular camera. Our only problem came when deciding who would edit our video. Last year our video was edited by Sam who had now left to create a video game for his coursework. Neither me or Adam had any great experience in editing but Adam expressed his enthusiasm so we decided it would be a joint effort with Adam doing the majority.

As Haran had offered to help out we needed to decide on a time to film when we were all free. As we had media studies on a Wednesday morning it seemed an ideal time considering we all had the afternoon off should we need it. We had provisionally set a date of 15th February, however when it snowed the week before we thought that it would emphasise the effect of the drink if it was visibly cold as that is when it is hardest to exercise for obvious reasons. We therefore brought it forward a week to Wednesday 8th February and started filming.

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