Thursday, January 26, 2012

Pre Production - Storyboards

Before thinking about filming we decided to create a storyboard to get our initial ideas onto paper so that we could plan more thoroughly scene by scene. Although still in the early stages it allowed us to think in more detail about the final product. By using images and a brief description there is a clear indication of what we wanted to achieve at this stage of planning with the first scenes shown on the left and the later scenes below.

As you can see the storyboards show a male protagonist exercising. As he begins to tire the colour fades from the advert until he stops. He then starts drink the 'Regenerate' energy drink which returns the colour. He then sets off again showing an obvious improvement on before and then to finnish the advert we will have a close up of the product clearly showing the brand name in order to get the name out to the viewers.

By preparing the storyboards it allowed us to think of any props that we would need when we came round to filming. We wanted the runner to be wearing headphones as if the runner was listening to the soundtrack featured on the advert. We also wanted him to dress in the typical exercising clothing in order to make our advert as authentic as possible.

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