Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ideas For Our TV advert.

After discovering the codes and conventions of adverts and how the slight changes they take for energy drink advertisement we had to try and apply these whilst brainstorming ideas for our final product. Our initial ideas (pictured right) met some of these conventions, especially showing our product to someway enhance performance. After this brainstorm our preference was towards idea number 1 which we decided to develop further.

Further Developments
Idea number one was that a man begins his exercise with everything as normal. As he begins to tire the colour fades from the shot, until he drinks some Regenerate which brings the colour back into his workout. We then decided that to emphasize the effects that drinking Regenerate will have we would film the drinking part would be in slow motion. Also rather than continue as he was before the workout would intensify and it would finish with a sprint and the final shot would be a racing style finish.


We decided that all sound in our advert would be non-diegetic. The main sound would be the soundtrack. We wanted the soundtrack to be music the viewer could imagine exercising to. We also wanted the soundtrack to reflect the advert, i.e when the protagonist slows down to replenish energy the music would also slow down. In the end we decided to use Avicii - Levels, because of its beat which we could imagine someone exercising to. Also the lyrics in the clip we would use are "I get a feeling that I've never had before," this worked because it could imply to the viewer that the product has an effect like none other.  Other non-diegetic sound we considered was the use of a voice over to complement the visual effects that the drink has. We decided to make a decision on this at a later date.


We wanted a location outdoors which wasn't restricted like a gym or fitness centre. This was partly due to the fact that we wanted the runner to be alone and looking for motivation which he seeks through our product. Also filiming in a gym may have complications such as needing permission from staff and members. We chose our final location due to its remote setting and also the bridge which was ideal for a long sprint finnish after the product had been consumed.

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