Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Creating Our End Of Advert Picture

In order to get the brand name well known we need to show our product as much as possible. We therefore decided to create a picture to go at the end of the advert showing the product. As a main theme in our advert was to bring the colour back into the workout we decided to continue this for the end of our advert. We decided to have the background in black and white and the product in colour, this would make the product stand out more as well as continue the theme of the advert.

This first picture is our product laying on the rocks that we would use for end of our advert. This picture was taken on Adam's iPhone because he could then use the 'ColourSplash' app to edit it to our specification. 
This screenshot shows the editing process. At this particular stage the picture has no colour at all. This would meet our criteria for continuing our colour theme but did not make our product stand out. Adam therefore shades the part of the image that we want to be in colour. The picture on the right is the finished picture and is the one we will use.

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