Monday, March 26, 2012

Mobile App Pop Up Advert

The UK is the leading European Country in smartphone usage. Against an average penetration of mobile subscribers of 45.2 percent, 52.6% of UK consumers had used a smartphone, such as the Apple iPhone, BlackBerry phones, Windows Phone or one of the many Android smartphones. The UK also lead the pack on mobile app usage (49.7% vs an average 39.2%), browser usage (50.6% vs 39.2% average), mobile games play (35.4% vs 28.1%), text messaging (91.8% vs 84.5%) and mobile social networking (38% vs 26.4%). (According to research by comScore)

With figures such as these we thought it would be important to use advertising in apps. Many free applications are funded by the revenue from adverts. On the android market there were 134,342 free apps in April 2011. This added to the 121,845 available on the iPhone app store at the same time means the potential audience is massive. Mobile App ads run at about $.04 to $.20 per click and an ad campaign can be kicked off with as little as $50. Paying per click is the best value for money in relation to the effectiveness of the advert. Also our advert could be placed in specialist apps that are relevant to the product being advertised. For example we could use a sports app to advertise our energy drink.

Analysing Current Mobile Adverts

These three pictures show an advert for Wonga. They are all part of the same campaign that is similar to the television and internet campaigns for the same company. This creates synergy something which we have tried to do throughout our campaign. These adverts also have animation in the form of the change of text that is displayed along the bottom. Despite the animation, the brand name and 'find out more' remain on the screen at all times so that any viewers instantly know what is being advertised. This is also helped by the same colour scheme used throughout their campaign. Another feature of this advert is an incentive exclusive to the mobile advert. The picture to the left shows the advert saying that they can borrow money using their phone. This extra convenience offered gives the advert an advantage over similar services.

Our Mobile App Advert
The advert above is our completed mobile app pop up advert. This is very similar to the internet pop up advert that we have also made. This creates synergy between different parts of the campaign making our brand name more rememberable which is an advantage especially as this is a campaign for a new product. The animation is the growth of our tag line 'Prolong Your Workout.' This growth grabs the attention of the viewer which is even more important than the internet pop up as the screen is smaller and the user is more focused on their current activity rather than adverts surrounding. Also the continued use of our tag line will help promote our product as people will begin to associate this particular saying with out product. One difference to our internet advert is the fact that the 'Regenerate' logo is along the bottom rather than the website. This was due to lack of room on a smaller screen but pressing the advert will take you to the website anyway.

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