Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Planning Our Radio Advert

As with all of our anciallary products we wanted to create synergy with our main advert in order to get our brand name known as fast as possible. With this being our aim we decided to use Avicii - Levels once more in our advert. By using this song so often people may begin to associate the song with our brand name and with it being a popular song they're likely to hear it quite often which is positive from our perspective.

Without the use of images to portray our message of bringing the colour into the workout we struggled to think of ideas. We decided to keep the idea similar to that in the main tv advert, but using sound effects and a narrator to describe the effects that drinking Regenerate can have.  

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Codes and Conventions of Radio Adverts

Like all forms of advert we have researched there are many codes and conventions that appear in radio adverts.
Various conventions of Radio Adverts:
  • A brief outline of the product/service
  • Details about product/service
  • Assosciation from other advertising forms (or clips from the main programme if TV programme is being advertised)
  • Usually use a narrator
  • Music of a similar genre to the radio station the advert features on
  • Usually 30-40seconds

Analysing Radio Adverts

The main element to this advert is humour. This particular advert targets IT workers through this advert. This has two benefits, one attracting those who do work in IT by saying they deserve a reward for their hard work, which other workers can also relate to despite it being specific to IT. It also uses the IT as part of the humour as if they are heroes which is accompanied by the heroic music in the background. This heroic metaphor is used to suggest that as a reward they should treat themselves to a Strongbow. The humour element makes it memorable as well as the slogan 'Bow Time Hard Earned' and the arrow sounds that are apparent on all of the forms of Strongbow adverts. Unlike many other forms of advert it is unknown what product is being advertised until the last few seconds. The advantage of this is that the brand name is fresh in the memory of the listener. However if the advert was disinteresting then this could have a negative effect as any listeners may have switched off come the end of the advert.

This second advert suggests that Coca Cola is an essential product especially for summer. The use of season can be very effective especially in this case as Coca Cola is considered a refreshing drink which is required more in summer than winter. However this advert cannot be used all year round which means another would have to be made for other seasons which costs more. This advert uses sounds that you would normally associate with summer and then after features the sound effects of a man drinking a product that is described as Coca Cola. This suggests that with the sounds that are normally associated with summer Coca Cola should be one of them. The sound effects, especially considering that this advert will usually be played in summer, make the product sound more appealing possibly resulting in higher sales as a result of this advert.

TV Sponsorship Sequence

This is our finished sponsorship sequence for Regenerate. We feel that we meet many of the codes and conventions of sponsorship sequences in our own piece. As you can see it contains the footage from our main advert of Adam drinking in slow motion.  This similarity with our main advert creates synergy between our different forms of advertising in our campaign. This links all aspects together helping people to remember our product and brand name more easily. Our sponsorship sequence is 15 seconds which is perhaps on the limit for a sponsorship sequence. This is due to our product being newly released and needing to get the brand name known, any future sponsorship sequences may be shorter once our drink is established. There is no real narrative to this sequence just the assosciation with the narrative from our full advert. This link to our advert could be associated with the weather that we are sponsoring. The clip shows bringing colour back through drinking. This is similar to that the sun can bring the colour back into the day.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Magazine Poster Advert

Although advances in technology has meant more information is now available on the internet magazines are still purchased in high quantities. As well as this there are free magazines which are also widely available for the viewing of the public. With such a mass audience, and our product appealing to the masses, we thought that it was important to make an advert for a magazine.

Advertising in magazines can also be targeted to a direct audience. Our product may interest the masses but it is important that we target the consumers who have an interest in exercise and sport.

Inspiration for our Magazine Advert

This is an advert for a sports drink featured on the back of a cycling magazine. This advert caught our eye due to its colourful nature and also the large title at the top. This is a title that would appeal to a large number as many people find themselves wanting to burn more fat. By drawing viewers in by the title there is then more information for viewers in smaller text alongside the picture of the featured product. This effect is similar to the effect we wanted to achieve with our magazine advert. The colourful nature of this advert gave me the idea to continue the theme of colour in our advert. This is obviously an effective method, as it caught our attention immediately, and also continues the theme from our main advert on colour which creates synergy between our adverts.

Our Magazine Poster Advert

The above picture shows our finished magazine advert. It would feature on the rear cover of a sports related magazine. The theme of colour that proved successful in the above advert is apparent but in a slightly different way. We decided to have a grey background with our product in colour, similar to what we did in our TV sponsorship sequence. As well as the product being in colour we decided to have the title across the top in the same colour orange as in other parts of our advertisement campaign. Not only does this create the synergy that we crave it also grabs the attention of the viewers as it stands out compared to the grey background. Whilst making the poster I also decided to blur the picture. This gives the impression that it is moving which links in with the effects that drinking 'Regenerate' will have and also looks unusual therefore grabbing the attention of viewers that perhaps might not notice it otherwise. As a result of blurring the picture the label on the bottle was not visible anymore, this meant that I had to use our logo underneath to make sure the brand being advertised was known. Underneath the brand name I listed our sponsors, and underneath that included the same text from our advert so that our advert does not mislead in anyway which may cause the ASA to take action. 

Mobile App Pop Up Advert

The UK is the leading European Country in smartphone usage. Against an average penetration of mobile subscribers of 45.2 percent, 52.6% of UK consumers had used a smartphone, such as the Apple iPhone, BlackBerry phones, Windows Phone or one of the many Android smartphones. The UK also lead the pack on mobile app usage (49.7% vs an average 39.2%), browser usage (50.6% vs 39.2% average), mobile games play (35.4% vs 28.1%), text messaging (91.8% vs 84.5%) and mobile social networking (38% vs 26.4%). (According to research by comScore)

With figures such as these we thought it would be important to use advertising in apps. Many free applications are funded by the revenue from adverts. On the android market there were 134,342 free apps in April 2011. This added to the 121,845 available on the iPhone app store at the same time means the potential audience is massive. Mobile App ads run at about $.04 to $.20 per click and an ad campaign can be kicked off with as little as $50. Paying per click is the best value for money in relation to the effectiveness of the advert. Also our advert could be placed in specialist apps that are relevant to the product being advertised. For example we could use a sports app to advertise our energy drink.

Analysing Current Mobile Adverts

These three pictures show an advert for Wonga. They are all part of the same campaign that is similar to the television and internet campaigns for the same company. This creates synergy something which we have tried to do throughout our campaign. These adverts also have animation in the form of the change of text that is displayed along the bottom. Despite the animation, the brand name and 'find out more' remain on the screen at all times so that any viewers instantly know what is being advertised. This is also helped by the same colour scheme used throughout their campaign. Another feature of this advert is an incentive exclusive to the mobile advert. The picture to the left shows the advert saying that they can borrow money using their phone. This extra convenience offered gives the advert an advantage over similar services.

Our Mobile App Advert
The advert above is our completed mobile app pop up advert. This is very similar to the internet pop up advert that we have also made. This creates synergy between different parts of the campaign making our brand name more rememberable which is an advantage especially as this is a campaign for a new product. The animation is the growth of our tag line 'Prolong Your Workout.' This growth grabs the attention of the viewer which is even more important than the internet pop up as the screen is smaller and the user is more focused on their current activity rather than adverts surrounding. Also the continued use of our tag line will help promote our product as people will begin to associate this particular saying with out product. One difference to our internet advert is the fact that the 'Regenerate' logo is along the bottom rather than the website. This was due to lack of room on a smaller screen but pressing the advert will take you to the website anyway.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Filming and Editing Extra Footage

With similar light conditions to our original days filming we decided to go and get the extra footage we needed immediately. 

With the majority of the feedback suggesting that we filmed more of Adam running towards rather than away from the camera we had to improvise our camera angles. Due to the narrowness of the bridge Haran offered to climb on one of the supports for the bridge to get an alternative angle showing Adams face in more detail. 

Whilst Haran was there we also decided to try and get the brand name in once more. Our idea was that Adam ran past with the bottle stretched behind as if it was a relay baton like in the olympics, which Regenerate sponsors. This proved difficult to film as getting the angle of the bottle and the height right was crucial. After multiple takes we ended up with footage that we were happy with. When it came to the editing process however the bottle passed so quickly that the name was unreadable. This caused me to improvise and pause the clip for around a second, in time with the beat of the music, in order to make the brand name visible once more. 

Another suggestion we had was to shorten the starting sequence because for the first 25-30 seconds before the bottle was shown it didn't have the feel of an advertisement. We therefore solved to problems in one and filmed by filming the start sequence with Adam running towards the camera. This solved our problem of too much footage from behind the runner and also shortened the intro to give a feel as if it is an advert that you are watching. As the picture shows Adam is running towards the camera in our first scene. Unlike before this is know in colour, which was our original idea, to make sure the message of the advert is received by the audience. Adams face is also looking down in this scene which implies that he is struggling to keep going. 

Another Idea suggested by Mr Silverwood was a close up of Adam's face just before he drinks Regenerate. This would show signs of struggle and that the drink is vital for him to keep going. We decided to develop this idea further and to emphasise the hard work that exercising can be. We thought that Adam could wipe his forehead as if he was wiping sweat away before he replenishes it with a drink. We recorded this from many different angles but decided that a front on angle would be best to fully show the emotion. It also added a slightly more light hearted feel to our otherwise very serious advert but without going overboard because the energy drink adverts we analysed were often very serious. 

After we had filmed this extra footage we needed to insert it into our existing advert and edit. We didn't need to remove the colour or slow down the film at the start in order to satisfy the suggestions our class made. The main editing that we needed to do was the extra showing of the brand name towards the end of the advert. As can be seen in the picture above the clip is split so that the clip has the effect of pausing for 1 second. This results in the brand name being on screen for longer than it would be normally. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Feedback on our Advert

After we had finished filming and editing we showed our finished advert to members of our class and our teacher. This gave us feedback from members outside the project who gave honest views. As they are not involved with the task they do not get emotionally involved and give an alternative opinion which would in turn make our product appeal to a much wider audience. 

Overall the feedback for our advert was good, however a general consensus was that the start of the advert was weaker than the ending. Mr Silverwood in particular was keen to point out that the start had little resemblance to an advert which we needed to rectify. He also said that we should include more shots of Adam running from the front rather than behind which would show more emotion in Adam's face. This was especially important after he'd just finished the drinking stage as showing his face would result in  emphasising the effects that the drink had had. This effect would be doubled if facial expressions shots were shown before as well. 

Taking these comments on board we decided that we would need extra footage in order to make the required changes. We therefore set out to film using the same props and costumes as before which would mean the continuity of our advert remained. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Creating a Website for Regenerate

A website is an important asset to an advertising campaign. Not only can it provide additional details on the Regenerate brand, it can also encourage customer involvement which shows that customers views are valued making your campaign more successful than another.

The website would be visited when the internet pop up advert is clicked. The only problem we had was due to our limited resources we could not host an actual domain name which we had already put on the drinks bottle label, advert and internet pop up. We therefore had to create a free website using weebly but with more resources and funding we would create

Our website can be visited at

The website homepage is the first page that viewers will see when they come to the website. When our video has been uploaded it will be the viewable via our website. Their are also links to encourage visitors to follow/like Regenerate on our Twitter/Facebook pages. This will maximise the visitors to these respective pages.

Who We Fuel
This page contains information about the product and the athletes that benefit from us. By listing sponsors it suggests to any potential customers that Regenerate is a good quality product developed for the best and open to the public. Having worldwide sporting events will also help to establish Regenerate in a worldwide market even though our TV campaign is currently based in the UK. By including sponsors on our website their is a chance that they may return the favour therefore widening the viewers for our brand.


This page features an event called Sky ride in which Regenerate sponsors and provides drinks for. This gives the company a good reputation which is invaluable in advertising terms. Also giving drinks away at public events such as this gets the brand name out and known faster than any other form of advertisement. A link is also available on this page to the sky-ride website therefore benefiting both companies.

Keep Fit
This particular page contains fitness information for the general public to view. By giving this it enables our product to work at its full potential, which will impress customers and encourage them to keep buying the product. This is also a form of good customer service which many customers will reward with them buying our product regularly because they feel valued.

Contact Us
The final page on our website is a contact form which gets the details of customers as well as their thoughts of the product and ways in which they feel it could be improved. Market research is vital when it comes to advertising as a new product must be designed and marketed with the customer in mind, therefore resulting in higher sales. By entering you get entered in a prize draw which encourages people to enter because without this incentive they may not bother.

Editing Our Sponsorship Sequence

After Researching sponsorship sequences and discovering that many have synergy with the TV adverts for that particular product we decided to try and use the footage we already had after filming our advert.

With the theme of bringing colour back into the workout present in our advert we decided to use the slow motion clip  as not only did it have relevance to the weather forecast which would be shown afterwards, it was also a shortened version of the one present in our TV advert which increases the chances of exposure to our brand.

Once again we had to remove the colour from the initial clip to continue the theme of bringing the colour back through the Regenerate drink and also to have a direct link to the brightening of the day that people hope that the weather will cause.

To keep the similarities with the TV advert we kept the same soundtrack. We wanted to have the lyrics the same as well because in this case it could have a double meaning. It implies that the drink gives you a good feeling and also that a good weather forecast can also give you a good feeling.

We wanted to include a voiceover for our sponsorship sequence to supplement the on screen footage. Adam recorded 'Regenerate, sponsors of ITV national weather.' This mentions our brand further as well as revealing what we are sponsoring. After we recorded the voice, we imported it into Garage Band and then altered the sound as well as the effect to make it sound more professional.

To accompany the voice over the on screen images we decided to edit the image that Adam made earlier originally for our main advert using 'ColourSplash' app. We added the text to the images which says the same message as the voice over and these pictures also continue the theme of black and white into colour as a result of the Regenerate drink.

Codes and Conventions of Sponsorship Sequences

Most sponsorship sequences consist of an opening and closing sequence and sometimes with ones during the advert breaks.

Sponsor Sequences are typically:

  • 10-15 Seconds Long, with break bumpers even shorter.
  • Little or no Narrative
  • Associate the brand with the channel or programme, sometimes including elements of the programme in the sponsorship
  • References to the main TV advertisement. (creating synergy in the campaign)
  • Use of Symbolism to get point across