Monday, March 26, 2012

Magazine Poster Advert

Although advances in technology has meant more information is now available on the internet magazines are still purchased in high quantities. As well as this there are free magazines which are also widely available for the viewing of the public. With such a mass audience, and our product appealing to the masses, we thought that it was important to make an advert for a magazine.

Advertising in magazines can also be targeted to a direct audience. Our product may interest the masses but it is important that we target the consumers who have an interest in exercise and sport.

Inspiration for our Magazine Advert

This is an advert for a sports drink featured on the back of a cycling magazine. This advert caught our eye due to its colourful nature and also the large title at the top. This is a title that would appeal to a large number as many people find themselves wanting to burn more fat. By drawing viewers in by the title there is then more information for viewers in smaller text alongside the picture of the featured product. This effect is similar to the effect we wanted to achieve with our magazine advert. The colourful nature of this advert gave me the idea to continue the theme of colour in our advert. This is obviously an effective method, as it caught our attention immediately, and also continues the theme from our main advert on colour which creates synergy between our adverts.

Our Magazine Poster Advert

The above picture shows our finished magazine advert. It would feature on the rear cover of a sports related magazine. The theme of colour that proved successful in the above advert is apparent but in a slightly different way. We decided to have a grey background with our product in colour, similar to what we did in our TV sponsorship sequence. As well as the product being in colour we decided to have the title across the top in the same colour orange as in other parts of our advertisement campaign. Not only does this create the synergy that we crave it also grabs the attention of the viewers as it stands out compared to the grey background. Whilst making the poster I also decided to blur the picture. This gives the impression that it is moving which links in with the effects that drinking 'Regenerate' will have and also looks unusual therefore grabbing the attention of viewers that perhaps might not notice it otherwise. As a result of blurring the picture the label on the bottle was not visible anymore, this meant that I had to use our logo underneath to make sure the brand being advertised was known. Underneath the brand name I listed our sponsors, and underneath that included the same text from our advert so that our advert does not mislead in anyway which may cause the ASA to take action. 

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