Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Editing the Advert

 Before editing the advert we encountered a small problem. The cameras we used recorded and saved to an AVI file. This was not accepted by iMovie that we were using on the macbook. We therefore had to convert the files to a compatible MP4 format using a converter found on the internet. Luckily this did not disrupt the quality of the files.

Our first job was to import the newly converted files into iMovie. Once imported and added to the project we decided to remove the colour from the clips that are before the drink is filmed. Luckily iMovie has a designated black and white setting which we applied to the required films.

The screenshot to the left shows us removing the sound from our recorded clips. We did not want any diegetic sound in our clip, especially with the soundtrack over the top

This next screenshot shows Adam adjusting the brightness on the slow motion clip. The brightness was only a problem after the transition to colour was in place. By lowering the brightness we made the advert flow and continuity was restored.

The screenshot above shows us cutting the song for different scenes of our advert. The song is not chronological as it appears in the advert as we have used different parts of the song to reflect the images that are on screen. For example when drinking we have made the lyrics 'I get a feeling that i've never had before' play which implies that drinking Regenerate gives you a feeling like no other.
The above screenshot shows a section where Adam is running across the bridge. Because of the difficulties involving panning it was vital that we used fast changes of scene to imply speed. This shows that four different scenes were used in as many seconds giving any viewers the impression of speed, especially as it happens just after the slow motion footage.  

Whilst in the editing process we decided to add text along the bottom of the screen. This is present in so many adverts and is required to make our advert meet the regulations enforced by the ASA as without it our advert could be considered misleading and possibly removed from the TV which would cost money.

 To exaggerate the effect that Regenerate has we altered the speed of the clips before Adam has drunk the drink. It also suggests that the runner is really struggling before he has a drink therefore emphasising the effect of Regenerate through the sprint finnish.

This screenshot shows that we stablalised many of the clips in order to reduce and shaking in the camera. Although we used a tripod for many of the clips it was still necessary to stabalise a few clips to create the proffessional feel that we desired. By stabalising the clips it made sure viewers could concentrate on the message of the advert rather than any unstable clips.  
 For the end of the advert we decided to have our brand name exposed once more to get the name out to the public faster. I also decided to include the three sponsors that featured on the label. If they were real sponsors this may be a requirement, it also has benefits for our brand however as it suggests to any viewers that if its good enough for top athletes then its good enough for them. Because we had three sponsors on the label we had to include all three in some way on the advert. However all three logos on one screen looked untidy and as the picture is only on screen for a few seconds their wasn't enough time for all three sponsors to be seen and absorbed by the viewer. I therefore decided to make three different endings to our advert which we could then add to a duplicate advert.

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